The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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The Maintenance Reminder is used to create and customize service
schedules for each vehicle and to log the services that have been
completed. You can create services (maintenance operations) that
are unique to each vehicle.
The service interval time can be set for months or days (changed in
the Set Defaults). This can not be changed for each vehicle so you
will need to decide which method to use for all vehicles. There is
also a mileage interval if the vehicle is being tracked by odometer
or a hour interval if it is being tracked by hours.
There are no costs associated with the Maintenance Reminder.
The Maintentance Reminder (referred to as MR from now on) is split
into the following three components:
Global - This area contains the "master list" of maintenance
operations that can be transferred (extracted) to each vehicle.
It is intended to cut down on the amount of typing if you are
creating schedules for several vehicles.
Reminder - This area contains the maintenance operations for the
selected vehicle. These are services that you want to routinely
perform at specified intervals. You can create your reminder
list by extracting all the Global operations and then deleting
uneccessary ones and/or adding individual operations directly.
set to Y, then the Maintenance Reminder will automatically run
whenever you enter the Fuel Log. If due or overdue maintenance
items are found, then a message will display at the top of the
screen telling you to run the Maintenance Reminder program.
Services - This area is a log of all the maintenance operations
that have been done on the selected vehicle. They are added
from the Reminder screen.
Press G from the REMINDER screen to display or edit global mainten-
ance operations. The operations are sorted by odometers (or hours).
Press the A key to add a record. Enter the operation, and the
time and miles (hours) between services. Note that there are 2
fields for the operation. You can use both areas or just the
first one. There are also 2 areas for the description of the
operation after it has been completed (--completed services--).
The completed services description will be used when you are
adding completed operations to the SERVICES. This description
will usually be the past-tense of the operation description,
for example:
--maintenance operation-- = Change Oil
--completed services-- = Changed Oil
NOTE: You should include an unscheduled maintenance record in
the REMINDER for each vehicle to use when adding services
that unexpectedly come up (or are not planned for). Enter
zeros for the interval months(days) and odometer(hours).
Press the E key to copy all Global entries to the Reminder for
the selected vehicle. Use this option only once for each ve-
hicle or you will have duplicate entries. After extracting, you
need to add the date and mileage (hours) for the last time this
operation was done to the selected vehicle. (refer to REMINDER
Press Q from the GLOBAL MR screen or W from the SERVICES screen to
run the Reminder program options. The reminder operations are sort-
ed by odometers (or hours).
Press the A key to add a record. Enter the the time and miles
(hours) between services, the operation description that will
print on the reminder report, the date and mileage (hours) of
when this operation was last done and a service description
that will show in the SERVICES area and print on the services
completed report.
You should have 1 reminder operation with zero months and odom-
eter to allow for unscheduled maintenance.
You can set the reminder to check only by the service interval
months (by setting the odometer to 0), to check only by mileage
or hours (by setting the months to 0) or to check for both by
entering values in both fields. Entering both a month and odom-
eter is recommended.
Press the C key to change an existing record. All records that
have been extracted (copied) from the Global area will need to
have the last date serviced and the mileage (or hours) added.
Press the N key to add a completed service record. Move to the
entries to be added and (press Enter first) enter the serviced
or done date and odometer or hours. Press the Insert key when
you are done. The service(s) will be added to the SERVICE log
and the last serviced date and odometer on the reminder will be
automatically updated.
The MR report will generate a maintenance reminder schedule
that will tell you what and when services are due and which
ones are overdue.
If the schedule is run with blank FROM and TO dates, then all
reminders will be listed with their next due dates and mileage
(or hours), otherwise a schedule will be created showing items
that need to be done within the FROM and TO dates.
Any overdue operations will also be listed. A maintenance op-
eration is considered to be overdue if the last odometer (or
hours) plus the service interval value is less than the last
Fuel Log entry. A * will print between the date and odometer
for overdue operations.
The MR schedule is listed in due date order which means that
items may look out of order if you are only entering a service
interval odometer and not the months.
(service interval)
Reminder: months odometer
══════ ════════
0 0 use for adding unscheduled
operations to SERVICES
Rem. Report: 0 > 0 checks only by mileage(hours)
> 0 0 checks only by dates
> 0 > 0 checks by dates & for overdue
Printing to a file will place this report into a file named
REM.TXT which will be created in the Program Directory (VRS90).
This option will allow you to import this report into a word
processing or a spreadsheet program if those programs support
ASCII files.
Press W from the REMINDER screen to display, change, delete ser-
vices or to run a report. Completed services are indexed (sorted)
by the dates.
You can run a report showing completed maintenance services
for any period of time. The default dates assume you want a
report showing all services.
Printing to a file will place this report into a file named
SER.TXT which will be created in the Program Directory (VRS90).
This option will allow you to import this report into a word
processing or a spreadsheet program if those programs support
ASCII files.
W (SER) - W (REM)
Press W to switch (window) back and forth between the REMINDER and
the SERVICES screens.
Use this option to make corrections or to add items that were not
included when the record was added. Position to the field you want
to change, press Enter and make the change.
Use this to remove a record. Deleted records will not be included
in reports. Deleted records are 'hidden' but remain in the file
until it is reindexed.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * END * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
' but remain